Here is your April update for 2017!
Ward 2 updates:
- The Pleasant Hill traffic safety review is underway. Read more and provide your feedback at the link, or feel free to send your ideas/concerns directly to me!
- As you know, the accelerated Lead Service Line (LSL) replacement program is taking place. The alternate payment term options (3 and 5 year payback) that we worked toward are now available. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. So far, I've heard from a few residents who have had their replacements done already this year and have had great experiences with the contractors carrying out the work.
- Ashworth Holmes Park is getting a new playground. There have been some delays, and the playground is now scheduled to be available for use at the end of August. In the meantime, the regular schedule of park programming will continue in other areas of the park. The community has done an incredible job of keeping this project moving and securing lots of the funding for this - thank you to everyone involved!
- SW Transportation Study - the transportation department is studying traffic in the areas around King George and Holiday Park. Most will know of the proposed road closures around the water treatment plant and also down Spadina Cres W. If this is the first you're hearing of it, read more here. If you think you might like to speak to Council about it, the proposed road closures are likely to be presented at Council on May 23rd at the 6pm meeting. Of course you can always be in touch with me as well.
- The Meadowgreen Local Area Plan is in the process of being finalized. Thanks to everyone who pitched in with their suggestions and feedback. It's communities coming together with concerns and ideas that serve to make our neighbourhoods and city stronger.
- Community cleanups listed in the 'community news' section
City-wide updates & happenings:
- Provincial budget impacts: As you'll be aware, significant cuts to cities were made in the Provincial budget. Council and administration worked hard to fill over a $9M hole in the city's 2017 budget. Read more about what was decided here:
- With spring in full swing, Sidewalk and Road work is now taking place across the city and ward. There have been many questions about when elements of this work will be done or not. Please feel free to check out some of the schedule here.
- Some of the work we're doing is to improve accessibility through curb cuts (ramps at sidewalk corners) If you're keen to see a new curb cut near you, please email [email protected] to indicate which corner and at which intersection.
- Street sweeping season is underway with a pre-sweep phase, which will be followed by neighbourhood-wide sweeps. Head to the site to check out when your area will be swept. As always, signage will be put out ahead of time to let you know when to move your vehicle.
- Report a Pothole online! You know that pothole that's been bugging you? Indicate it on the map to be sure it doesn't get missed - photos welcome. You can also report potholes by calling 306-975-2476
- The annual ban is in effect for pruning Elm Trees from April 1 - Aug. 31. Trees can be fully removed (not trimmed) at any time, but must be properly disposed of at the Landfill and the stump must be rendered uninhabitable. More here.
- The Green cart program is underway with the first pickup May 1, but it's not too late to request your bin!
Consultations to participate in:
- Share your thoughts about how the City can improve the way in which we make data available: Open Data Community Engagement
Community news: [new!]
- Our neighbours at the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre are hosting their annual City Wide Food Drive on May 6th.
Please consider donating some nutritious goods in the bags that will be provided in your mailbox at the end of this month. Donations will be picked up right from your doorstep! For more information visit
- Community Cleanups are a great way to help keep our neighbourhoods safe and clean. Consider joining in!
Riversdale - May 6. 8am-2pm; Meet at the empty lot on the 1100 block of 19th St W.
Caswell Hill - May 6. 10am-3pm; Meet in the Caswell Hill School parking lot.
King George - May 13. 8:30am-4pm; Meet at St. Andrews Park - 801 Ave M South
Pleasant Hill - May 27. 9am-3pm; Meet in the parking lot behind Affinity Credit Union on Ave P and 20th St W
Westmount - June 10. 10am-1pm; Meet on Bedford Road between Aves K and L.
FYI: Community Cleanups are organized by the community associations. You may want to confirm the times/locations with your community associations directly. The City supports these efforts by providing bins which will then be tipped at the Landfill free of charge to the groups. Thank you to everyone working hard to organize, and thanks in advance for helping out!
Need to talk to the City?
Find a list of citizen service phone numbers here.
My 2017 Appointments:
Please note that these appointments help to focus my work, but do not limit my scope.
Strategic Priority: Community Safety and Wellness
Standing Policy Committee on Planning, Development and Community Services
Standing Policy Committee on Environment, Utilities and Corporate Services
Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee
Saskatoon Accessibility Advisory Committee
Saskatoon Public Library Board
Riversdale Business Improvement District
Saskatoon Housing Initiatives Partnership
Saskatoon Ideas Inc. Board of Directors
Don't hesitate to write, call, or catch me in person to discuss an issue or ask any questions you might have. If you need to speak with someone urgently, please consult the list of phone numbers above, or call the Clerk's office: 306-975-3240
All the best,
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[email protected]
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