Happy Summer!
June is an exciting time for events and celebrations. So far, this month has included National Indigenous Peoples Day celebrations in Victoria Park along with the Rock Your Roots walk for Reconciliation (over 4,000 joined!), the naming of the new bridge: Chief Mistawasis Bridge (thanks for your input!), Pride events (parade today!), and much more. Congratulations to everyone wrapping up another school year or making a transition at this time. I hope you're all taking a bit of time to plan a day in the sun, some time in your garden, or an extra long visit with family, friends, and neighbours during these precious long summer days.
Ward 2 updates:
- Imagine Idylwyld - the final concept design for Idylwyld Drive between 19th st. and 25th st. has been shared and was presented to the Transportation Committee. Thank you to all residents & business owners in the area who contributed to this work. These plans make better use of the roadway space and are projected to improve traffic flow while leaving greater amenity space on the side for walking, biking, and amenities. I hope to see this presentation in front of all of Council soon.
- The Coming Spring - TRC artwork project has now been installed in Victoria Park and was officially unveiled this week. The piece is getting a lot of attention and appreciation. I encourage you to go check it out in person - a photo simply can't do it justice.
- Thank you to everyone who supported a neighbourhood cleanup - your support of a clean and safe community for everyone is so appreciated.
City wide updates:
- Transportation & Growing Forward - BRT & Cycling
Thank you to all who sent some feedback around the major reports about both Bus Rapid Transit and AAA Downtown Cycling Network and the locations for these future projects. This special meeting on June 20th was a great chance to have detailed discussions about them before decision-making in August. I will be considering all feedback as we move toward a future direction on these projects. You can watch the video from that meeting here as a supplement to the reports linked above.
- Waste management - PAYT & organics
As you've likely heard, the work to establish more comprehensive waste management programs is underway. A Utility model is being considered, as are city-wide organics collection (green bins) and a pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) model for garbage. You can learn more about the engagement process to date and the recommended changes here. While there's detail yet to be worked out, some big changes are critical for us all to work together toward financial and environmental sustainability in this program. These gaps need to be worked out somehow and I look forward to continuing to discuss them in detail - both in chambers and individually. Check out the FAQ sheet about the recommendations and the fact sheet about PAYT that outlines the basics of the present and growing funding gap that puts our overall waste management as a city at risk, leaving unfair financial and environmental costs for future generations.
- Household Hazardous Waste
Drop off dates this summer are July 14 and Aug 18. Drop off is in the Sasktel Centre parking lot (101-3515 Thatcher Ave); Info about what can be accepted here
- Back lane (alley) maintenance
Neighbourhood back alley grading is getting underway. More details about the program (and schedule TBA) can be found here.
If you have a specific maintenance problem in your lane beyond the need for grading, please report it to the 24hr customer service centre at [email protected] or 306-975-2476
Consultations/Workshops to participate in:
Solar in Saskatoon workshop - part of the Energy Ambassadors Program by Energy Exchange
- workshop Tuesday June 26 @ 6:30pm; More details & registration here
Did you know...
Outdoor pools & spray pads are now open for the summer and paddling pools will open shortly. Full details here.
The annual pruning ban for Elm Trees is in effect until Aug 31, 2018. Full tree removal can take place at any time of the year, but must always be transported directly to an authorized disposal site such as the Landfill. Further information about Dutch Elm Disease prevention here.
You can report a pothole online! You know that pothole that's been bugging you? Indicate it on the map to be sure it doesn't get missed - photos welcome. This works for utility cuts as well. You can also report potholes/utility cuts by calling 306-975-2476
Now is the time to sign up for Garbage and Recycling reminders (email, phone or text)! Sign up today and never forget a collection again.
While you're at it consider signing up for paperless Utility eBills too!
Policy Updates
Community Safety & Wellbeing
- Saskatoon was one of 10 cities selected (among over 100) to continue to stage two of the Smart Cities Challenge competing for 10 Million dollars to tackle a challenge in our City. You can read about the process and application here where we outline our goal to be the city that breaks the cycle of Indigenous youth incarceration by creating a new cycle focused on building purpose, belonging, security and identity. We know that achieving this goal will benefit our City as a whole, and we are very focused on working with our partners to succeed in securing the final prize so that we can execute this vision fully.
- I had the opportunity to present about our City's Affordable Housing Reserve & support programs earlier this month at a National conference. It was a great chance to learn from other cities and further consider alignment with the Federal Government's National Housing Strategy.
City Council
City Council meets Monday (June 25th) at City Hall in City Council chambers. As always, Council meetings are open to the public.
Brief highlights are outlined below. For full agenda, visit https://www.saskatoon.ca/city-hall/city-council-boards-committees/council/minutes-and-agendas
Regular Business Meeting | 1:00 PM
- New joint use agreement with school boards
- Recreation/sports facilities partnership & upgrades: Riversdale badminton/tennis; Baseball renovation - Nutana Kiwanis; Forestry Farm Park & Zoo playground; Update to tree-loss mitigation at Gordie Howe sports complex;
- Cannabis - business licensing bylaw
- Incremental tax abatement - Midtown Plaza Sears space major renovation from vacant
- Transport Canada funding for Capacity building in Transportation Automation
- Corridor Growth Plan - Brownfield Renewal Strategy - extension to cover BRT blue line
- SL&P - Community engagement practice
- Waste Management changes - engagement results & program recommendations (see above under City-wide updates)
- Traffic Safety Reserve - approved projects
- Elections administration - recommended changes from Municipal Review Commission
- Governance direction - Controlled Corporations
- Governance direction - Advisory Committee
- Engineering services for Recovery Park - award of contract
Public Hearing Meeting | 6:00 PM
- Land Use hearings: rezonings, concept plan amendments (none in Ward 2)
- Proposed zoning bylaw for Cannabis Related businesses - amended from May
- Municipal Review Commission Review of Council remuneration, benefits & reimbursements
- Right-of-way closure proposal - Glasglow @ Clarence (left turns)
- Cannabis licencing bylaw
- Proclamations & Flag Raisings
As always, if you'd like to speak to Council as a whole about something on the agenda, please get in touch with the Clerk's office or fill out the form at the link before 10 am the day of the meeting. https://www.saskatoon.ca/write-letter-councilcommittees
Need to talk to the City?
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