This month is absolutely packed with awesome community events! 981 people braved some serious rain this morning to eat pancakes together in support of the United Way at the Civic Pancake breakfast. Tomorrow, thousands will join the Rock Your Roots Walk for Reconciliation, and on Saturday the Pride Parade will bring us together again. I look forward to seeing you and celebrating with you!

Below you'll find these and other information about making the most of summer in the city in the 'community news' section. In the policy update section I've shared some updates and thoughts on the City budgeting process.

Ward 2 updates: 

- Work on traffic calming elements have started in the area of the water treatment plant. Details of next steps relating to the plant enclosure project & associated transportation network changes can be found on the project page.

City wide policy updates: 

- The City is set to undertake its first multi-year budgeting process, meaning that late this year, the administration will present detailed proposed budgets for both 2020 and 2021 and City Council will set both budgets at once, being required to provide final approval each year. The administration has indicated what property tax increases will be required to maintain existing service levels for city services and programs, and have included the phase-in funding for waste programs. These numbers include savings associated with continuous improvement, and projected property tax base increases through new construction. Council has directed the administration to present lower options for future debates. This may include service level decreases, however no specific direction was given in this respect. I have yet to hear any consistent calls for service level reductions in my many discussions with Ward 2 neighbours. In addition, a number of potential service level increases or new investments (such as sidewalk investments, climate change action, and more) will be presented in August for debate and consideration for upcoming budgets. Balancing these complex priorities of maintaining or improving services, investing in the future, and keeping property tax increases at reasonable rates is no simple task. I appreciate and welcome your input. The full detailed budget will be debated and set in late November. 

- On street parking policy - Council extended the current 36 hour on street parking limit to 72 hours and the Traffic Bylaw has been amended accordingly; This means, that unless there is signage indicating the need to clear parking lanes due to maintenance or other work, vehicles can be left on the street for up to 72 hours now, rather than the previous limit of 36. Remember to leave a set of keys with a family member or friend if you'll be away so that they can move your vehicle should the need arise! 

Consultations/Workshops to participate in:

- The Residential Parking Permit program is being reviewed. Feedback can be shared through an online survey by June 30. Another round of engagement will take place in Fall once recommendations for policy change are drafted.

- The Saskatoon Municipal Wards Commission is reviewing Ward Boundaries in advance of the 2020 municipal election due to population growth. You can provide your thoughts throughout the summer directly to the Commission here.

- The City is developing a long-term plan for Circle Drive West between Clancy Drive and Laurier Drive. Comments can be submitted until July 5.

Did you know...

- There's an online map where you can find details about all of the ongoing construction projects in the city! Don't stay in the dark about what's happening around the corner - check it out here

- Spring/Summer maintenance schedules are online
Street sweeping is wrapping up after 75 days and 36 nights of work picking up ~ 20,000 tonnes of debris!
Back lane maintenance starts next month. Check to see when your neighbourhood is scheduled here.

- There are new Energy Efficiency requirements in the 2019 Building Code. If you're planning major renovations, building a garage, or undertaking a new build this summer be sure you know the requirements - learn more here.

- As the weather warms, Summer facilities are gearing up for opening (with some open now!). Check out schedules online: Nutrien Playland at Kinsmen Park  &  Outdoor pools, paddling pools, and spray pads

- You can customize your notifynow profile! If you didn't get the notices on May 7th from the City's emergency notifynow system during the test that day, now is the time to update your profile so that during an emergency, you get the notices to the devices that reach you the fastest.

Community Notes

Rock Your Roots Walk for Reconciliation - June 21st. The Grand Entry is at 9am in Victoria Park and the walk will begin at 9:30. All are welcome - bring a friend! 

Pride week comes to a close this weekend, but the Parade is far from your only chance to participate. Check out the full event listing.

Most community associations don't hold meetings over the summer, but now is a great time to think about how you might like to be involved in your community association as things ramp up in the Fall. Find out more about CAs here.

Also, check out the Summer Mini Leisure Guide with details about opportunities to get out and get active in your neighbourhood and around the city!

City Council

City Council meets Monday (June 24th) at City Hall in City Council chambers. As always, Council meetings are open to the public. Brief highlights are outlined below. For full agenda, visit

Regular Business Meeting  | 1:00 PM  
  - Models for administration of Major events reserves (Tourism Request)
  - Arbutus Properties - Solair proposal - Civic Naming - quarterly report & diversity in naming
  - Corridor Brownfield strategy framework
  - SEAC feedback: curbside organics funding options
  - Frozen water connections information
  - Temporary wheelchair accessible taxi licences
  - Traffic Control - Stop & Yield - policy updates
  - New Central Library update from SPL
  - 2019 Municipal Manual
 Bylaw updates
  - Decorative lighting bylaw change

Public Hearing Meeting  |  6:00 PM
  Land Use hearings & Bylaw Amendments:
  - OCP & Concept plan amendments + Rezonings - Rosewood
  - Rezonings - others (none in Ward 2)
  Borrowing - Civic facilities energy & water monitoring
  Proclamations & Flag Raisings

As always, if you'd like to speak to Council as a whole about something on the agenda, please get in touch with the Clerk's office or fill out the form at the link before 10 am the day of the meeting.

Hilary Gough


Saskatoon #yxe City Councillor - representing Ward 2. Settler on Treaty 6 territory & traditional homelands of the Métis. She/Her