Happy first week of Spring! It sounds like the weather won't be cooperating to match the official change in season, but it sure has been nice to enjoy a bit of extra sunshine as we brace for the next forecasted snowfall. Of course, changing seasons comes with roadway challenges - you can find more about that below. 

Ward 2 updates:  

- MARK YOUR CALENDAR for a Ward 2 Town Hall meeting on the evening of May 24th at Station 20 West. Details TBA. This will be an opportunity for us to chat in person about the issues and opportunities that you're seeing in your neighbourhood, the Ward and the city as a whole. 

- The Bus Rapid Transit red and green lines are proposed to run down 22nd street, resulting in substantial changes to transit service in Ward 2 with feeder routes changing as well. As always, head online to saskatoon.ca/engage to learn of engagement opportunities, and check out the latest BRT details here

- City administration is gearing up to move forward with a couple of redevelopment properties in Ward 2. Catch up on the progress for each:
  - Pleasant Hill Village: website here & latest update to Council in February here (item 7.1.8)
  - South Caswell Hill (Bus Barns): website here; a next update is anticipated at Council soon

- Roadways & Drainage update
Given the weather forecast for more snow but above freezing daytime highs, we have all of our boiler trucks and graders out on the roads addressing surface water in anticipation of greater issues following the snow. The boilers and half of the graders are addressing catch basins and culverts to relieve existing road flooding. If you are witnessing a substantial backup of water on your street or commute, please report it to our customer service 306-975-2476 so that it can be added to the queue (select option 1). The same number can be used if you are experiencing flooding/sewer backup in your home (select option 2).


Consultations to participate in:

- Smart Cities Challenge: Help us outline the best opportunity for using technology, data and innovation to address a challenge in Saskatoon. The stakes are high with $10M from the Federal Government on the line! Saskatoon's challenge will be framed around community safety and wellbeing but we need your help: Survey open until April 12.

- Name the new North bridge : The advisory committee has arrived at a shortlist of 4 names and now its time to hear from you. Give us your feedback on the 4 names being chosen among to recognize Indigenous history and achievement in our community: Waniskâ, Wîcîhitowin, Chief Mistiwasis, and Louis Riel. 

Want to stay up to date as the City develops its climate action plan? Join the growing network of individuals and groups from across Saskatoon who have signed up for our “Count Me In!” emails

- Imagine Idylwyld - proposed design is now complete. You can find it online here.


Did you know...

that you can sign up for Garbage and Recycling day reminders (email, phone or text)? Sign up today and never forget a collection again!

While you're at it consider signing up for paperless Utility eBills too! 


Policy Updates 

Community Safety & Wellbeing

The April meeting of the Governance and Priority Committee included updates on Strategic Priority Areas from members of Council. The update on my area of responsibility can be found in full here.

City Council

City Council meets Monday (Mar. 22nd) at City Hall in City Council chambers. As always, Council meetings are open to the public.  
Brief highlights are outlined below. For full agenda, visit https://www.saskatoon.ca/city-hall/city-council-boards-committees/council/minutes-and-agendas

Regular Business Meeting  | 1:00 PM  
  - [unfinished] Residential Fire Pits / Revision of Open Air Bylaw 
  - Governance Structure - Controlled Corporations - tabling for later discussion following consultation with boards
  - 10 year (attainable) Housing business Plan - status update
  - Construction & Demolition timelines - proposed amendments to reduce safety/nuisance issues
  - Recreation & Parks Proposed multi-year funding plan
  - Preliminary year-end financial results - 2017
  - Rail Relocation vs. Grade Separation - feasibility study phase 1
  - Acquisition of STC maintenance facility at 88 King St.
  - CUPE local 859 - collective agreement changes (bargaining results)

Public Hearing Meeting  |  6:00 PM
  - Discretionary Use & Rezoning hearings (none in Ward 2)
  - Proclamations/Flag Raisings
As always, if you'd like to speak to Council as a whole about something on the agenda, please get in touch with the Clerk's office before the meeting. More info here: https://www.saskatoon.ca/write-letter-councilcommittees


Hilary Gough


Saskatoon #yxe City Councillor - representing Ward 2. Settler on Treaty 6 territory & traditional homelands of the Métis. She/Her