Well, November is here, and as always, things are busy!
There are three big updates below. Thank you for taking the time to read through.
Meetings & Upcoming Decisions
City Council meets on Wednesday Nov 22nd. The Regular Business meeting takes place in the day starting at 9:30am and the Public Hearing takes place in the evening beginning at 6:00pm.
Another set of Council meetings for final budget deliberations takes place the following week Nov 28-30th each day from 9:30am-5:30pm until the budget is decided. Budget documents here with full agenda released next week.
Housing Zoning - new policy direction (Wednesday)
Wednesday's Council meeting includes a report on the City's Housing Accelerator Fund application to the Federal Government. The Government has requested that we consider a few substantial changes to the Housing Action Plan that makes up our application and that we give early direction to begin the policy work toward those changes. The key policy changes are:
- 'As-of-right' zoning for up to 4 units on all residential properties
- Up to 4-storey residential development on any property within 800m of a Bus Rapid Transit Corridor
- Removal of Minimum Parking Requirements for new developments in Corridor Areas
- Increase student housing in College Quarter
The report outlines how these policy changes align with our existing plans, and how the development of these policy changes would take into account lot sizes, development standards, and servicing capacity.
I urge you to take a look at the report and reach out with any feedback or questions you have. I may not have time to respond to everything before Wednesday, but want to hear from you, and can assure you that your feedback will be part of how I engage with these ideas not only Wednesday, but also following if we do direct this policy work. The real details and impact will be in the actual zoning bylaw amendments that would come forward in the first half of the new year.
Provincial Shelters & Cold Weather
As I shared last month, the Provincial Government has made two announcements about planned investments related to Homelessness and Addictions support.
Two shelters sites (up to 30 beds each) are being identified by City administration for approval by the Province who will operate them with contracted partners as outlined here.
An additional part of this Provincial plan is the establishment of a 15-bed complex needs shelter facility that is medically supervised. The Province has advised the City that it intends to operate this at one of its existing properties at 1701 Idylwyld Drive. You can read the notice here or find the full report here. Council's role is to decide the appropriate duration for the Emergency Residential Shelter permit. This decision will be made at the Council meeting on Wednesday.
I've been hearing from many of you encouraging urgency for this work as winter approaches, and also sharing feedback about siting considerations for the facilities the City is assisting in locating. I am sharing this feedback and will continue to do my best to keep you informed.
Finally, the City's Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) has been working with community and government partners to operationalize the Extreme Weather Strategy. An overnight warming space is in the works through collaboration of a number of community agencies and partners. This will be an important part of support through winter knowing that shelter and housing supports remain insufficient.
Budget Deliberations - Nov 28th-30th
The Detailed Preliminary Operating & Capital budgets (ie: the 'budget book') have now been released in full. Background on the process can be found at saskatoon.ca/budget. Preparing for these budget debates is busy work, and your input is important. I welcome ideas and feedback anytime and will do my best to respond where I can. A couple things on my mind as we head into these discussions are the results of the community surveys conducted recently saskatoon.ca/civic-services-surveys , and relatedly, the as-of-yet unfunded positions required to functionally operationalize the City's Housing team, and the proposed Transit officer program.
The process and deadlines for submitting comments or requesting to speak to budget is the same as any Council meeting and can be found here.
To see all projects open for engagement visit www.saskatoon.ca/engage
Caswell Hill Bus Barns
Background and online engagement for the project can be found on this project page.
Public comment is open until Dec 11th.
Even further details about the proposed development directly from the developer can be found here.
Corridor Planning
The City is engaging residents to share information and hear feedback on the application of new Corridor land use and zoning plans in corridor areas around the City. Background and online engagement opportunities are outlined here.
Two corridor areas cross through Ward 2.
- 22nd Street Corridor
- Woodlawn Corridor (consists of Idylwyld Drive north of 25th street and parts of 33rd Street)
Survey closes Nov 30th
Harry Bailey
I've been getting some questions about Harry Bailey as concern that there may not be plans to proceed with the project to upgrade and reopen. That is not the case.
The initial project came in significantly higher than the available budget, so was not awarded. The City Project Team, consulting Architects and Engineers have been diligently redesigning and rescoping the work since the summer to get a new construction package ready for tender. There is a considerable amount of work to redesign the rehabilitation so this is taking some time. In the meantime some work that could happen ahead of the construction award has taken place in the interior of the building to ensure no additional delay.
Once the updated design is completed, the project will be retendered. Staff estimate that the soonest a new construction tender could go to market is by the end of the first quarter of 2024. Once a construction contract is successfully awarded, the construction will start in the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2024. The revised construction/rehabilitation contract will take from 24 to 30 months to complete with earliest reopening in the 2nd or 4th quarter of 2026.
Harry Bailey is a critical part of the leisure landscape in our community. I understand that the status of this project and the overall delay are frustrating. I also know the upgrades will be a tremendous benefit and remain extremely committed to extending the life of this valued facility and improving how it serves community. City staff share that commitment.
City Council | Nov 22nd (Wednesday)
City Council meets on Wednesday. Brief highlights are outlined below. Click here to find the full agenda. Correspondence on Council items can be made in writing or as a request to speak (accommodated by phone or in person). Meetings are live streamed.
Regular Business Meeting | 9:30 AM
- Albert Community Centre Renewal - high performance policy
- Veteran Parking Pilot
- Transportation Permit Fees
- Traffic Bylaw amendments
- Community Support Program - MOA amendment
- Development Review - Fee Changes
- Building Standards - Fee Changes
- Asset Allocation Study
- Airport Authority - exemption request
- Capital Project - Saskatoon Land Office relocation
- Airport Authority - abatement
- 2024 Appointments -- various Council member appointments
- 2024 Appointments -- various Public appointments
- Use of Civic Square - Protocol Policy proposal
- Anti-Harassment Policy - review
- Assiniboine Drive Rail Pedestrian Crossing
- Provincial Approach to Homelessness - 1710 Idylwyld Dr - Emergency Residential Shelter
- Garbage receptacles & Trail side amenities - multi-use pathways
- Housing Accelerator Fund - Housing Policy direction
- 2022 Saskatoon Public Library - Audited Financials
- Ward Boundaries - Municipal Ward Commission
Bylaw amendments
- Fire Services bylaw
- Noise bylaw
- Traffic bylaw
Public Hearing Meeting | 6:00 PM
- Zoning Bylaw Amendment - comprehensive package seven - supplemental
- Discretionary Use : Parking Station 301 Queen St
- Rezoning: Hampton Village business park
- Removing Holding Symbol: Rosewood
- Optimist Hill - Sublease to Freestyle Club
- Proclamations & Flag Raisings
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