I had the privilege of participating in Federation of Canadian Municipality (FCM) meetings in Ft. McMurray this month. I enjoyed learning from other municipalities about their efforts in affordable housing, community safety, and more. Through my and my colleagues' work on these committees, Saskatoon is adding it's voice to the work of FCM advocating on behalf of Cities across Canada to the Federal Government. You can find my specific FCM committee appointments at the bottom of this email. 

Ward 2 updates:

- Lane maintenance:
Annual back lane manintenance in Ward 2 will begin on Oct 4th. We're late in the rotating schedule this year. Head here for information about what to expect and how you can help. Specifically, a reminder to return your Garbage and Recycling carts to your property after regular collection.

-Local Area Plan [Montgomery Place]:
There will be a Public Open House about the Montgomery Place land use survey, noise study, and LAP early next month. Come join the discussion on Oct. 5th (7pm @ St. Dominic School Library). Info about the LAP to date can be found online.

- Traffic Safety [Pleasant Hill]:
The next step of the traffic safety review in the Pleasant Hill neighbourhood is taking place on Tuesday Sep. 26th (7pm @ Station 20 West). Community input is critical, so come on out and voice your feedback and ideas for pedestrian, cyclist, and driver safety in Pleasant Hill.

- National Historic recognition:
Congratulations to all involved in achieving National Historic Site recognition for the neighbourhood of Montgomery Place! The plaque was unveiled last Sunday recognizing the neighbourhood as a well preserved example of a verterans' settlement in Canada. This event was the culmination of many years of dedicated work by volunteers and a reflection of the ongoing preservation and community pride that is abundant among residents. Read more here.

- Utility Cuts:
To find out when the utility cut on your route will receive final repair, or to report one that may be missed, visit the online map here

- New Playground:
The much anticipated new accessible playground in Ashworth Holmes Park is now open!

- Road restrictions:
For up to date road restrictions anytime, visit the online map here

- Disaster Assistance:
July 10 & Aug 8 storms - The Province approved Council's application for disaster assistance under the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP) following the storms on July 10th and Aug 8th. Eligible residents must file for coverage by January 10, 2018, or February 8, 2018 respectively. Further information is available here.

Community Associations

Community Associations have been resuming meetings this month. To find out more about when yours meets, call 306-975-3378 and visit the City's site which contains a listing of each association with some additional information here. Now is a great time to get involved!

City-wide updates & happenings/Consultations to participate in:

- City Boards and Committees
The City of Saskatoon is now accepting applications for civic Boards, Commissions and Committees for 2018. Interested applicants are asked to submit their application and supporting documents by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 2, 2017. Use the online forms here to submit your application and references. Applications can be brief - focus on highlighting what experience and perspective you'll bring to the committee's work.

- Help us name the North Commuter Parkway Bridge:
Naming the NCP is an opportunity to unite our community and province in an act of reconciliation, and for all of Saskatoon’s citizens to see themselves in our community – in our shared places and spaces. Everyone is welcome to take part - school classes, individuals, families and more. Make your submission here. Curious about the construction status of both new bridges? Stay up to date here: saskatoon.ca/bridgingtotomorrow.

- Budget 2018:
You'll have no doubt heard reports about the upcoming 2018 budget deliberations. Council is facing a tough budget year again with at least 2% property tax increase attributable to cuts from the Provincial Government. Alongside this there are growth and inflationary increases within our operations. We are working hard to find ways to minimize the tax increase, but also do not want to sell residents short on the great services they expect from the City and from our collective investments. We've heard lots of input and feedback through the online budget consultations, and citizen surveys. If you have ideas or feedback you'd like to share please be in touch, I'm always happy to hear from you.

- Respect Please respect work zones, school zones, and detour areas. When in doubt, please slow down - safety is never worth compromising.

- Third Avenue United church has been designated as a Municipal Heritage property. This was a significant accomplishment for the Heritage community and for the City. Having played a small part in ensuring that this monumental building will be preserved for many generations, I am eager to see what role that building will play in years to come.

Policy Updates

Property Maintenance
Many will know that property maintenance issues are frustrating and that the response time by the City is not as quick as folks would like. I have requested that the Saskatoon Fire Department which takes primary responsibility for maintaining our Property Maintenance and Nuisance Abatement Bylaw (No. 8175) bring forward a 'Level of Service' report to outline current outcomes as compared to targets, and opens the door to a conversation about appropriate resourcing of this response. This has been a focus for some time, and I look forward to discussing it with my colleagues on Council following many discussions with you, the residents of Ward 2.

Community Safety & Wellness
As noted previously, Council has assigned strategic priority areas for leadership by individual Councillors. The strategic priority area that I am leading is Community Safety and Wellness. My recent report to the Governance and Priorities Committee provides a brief update about the work being undertaken in the areas of Poverty Reduction, Rental Issues, and Safe Streets. You can find the full update here.

City Council
City Council meets on Monday (Sep. 25). Both meetings are at City Hall in City Council chambers, and open to the public.
Brief highlights are outlined below. For full agendas, visit https://www.saskatoon.ca/city-hall/city-council-boards-committees/council/minutes-and-agendas

Regular Business Meeting | 1:00 PM
- Infill roundtable results & Downtown/City Centre development incentives
- Residential Lot Sale policy changes (build time exceptions, and housekeeping amendments)
- Open Data Report
- Next steps for Corporate Environment Management System
- Climate Change Mitigation Business Plan development
- Level of Service reports:
Water Utility
Fire Services
Road Maintenance
Waste Handling (small changes up for debate: extra holiday pickup, waste calendar printing, etc.)
- Endorsement of Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G)
- MOU with University of Saskatchewan & Engagement with Students (USSU)
- Speed limit changes in East of City (Some NE Swale related)

Public Hearing Meeting | 6:00 PM
- Rezoning applications (none in Ward 2)
- Flag raising/proclamations - AIDS awareness week, Fire prevention week, Prostate Cancer awareness month

As always, if you'd like to speak to Council as a whole about something on the agenda, please get in touch with the Clerk's office before the meeting. More info here: https://www.saskatoon.ca/write-letter-councilcommittees

Hilary Gough


Saskatoon #yxe City Councillor - representing Ward 2. Settler on Treaty 6 territory & traditional homelands of the Métis. She/Her