We're in for a couple of full meetings on Monday, so if you're interested to know what Council will be debating/deciding, head to the City News section and for a more complete listing, down to the City Council section at the bottom. There are quite a few issues that are of high interest. As always, I commit to reading all correspondence I receive before the Council meetings start on Monday, but cannot commit to responding to all of it before the meeting. If you want to have your correspondence received by all of City Council (and as part of the public record) on Monday, head down to the last section to find the options for submitting that. 

As our province continues to face elevated levels of COVID-19 cases, including several COVID-19 variants of concern, let's re-commit to the smart decisions that are within our control - both at home and at work to stay safe and keep those around us safe as well. The facebook-live held by the City with our local public health officer last week had some great reminders for me. I encourage you to take a few minutes to view it. And don't forget - the provincial public health orders have been extended (currently to May 10th).


City administration is recommending permanent closure of the Meadowgreen Recycling Depot. Full details can be found under item 8.3.7 here. By and large, I'm hearing two streams of feedback: the first is primarily from some people nearest the site who are very eager to see its closure and feel there is no other way to sustainably address the nuisance; the second is from some people across a broader area who use the site and feel that its closure will unreasonable limit recycling opportunities. Balancing these two perspectives may be an impossible task, however, there are 8 options outlined in the report with pros and cons for each. Committee supported the administrations recommendation (to close permanently with no relocation), but Council will made the final decision on Monday. 

There are some updates available regarding the Saskatoon Public School Division's work to select a site for their consolidated city centre school project which will see 3 schools (Princess Alexandra, Pleasant Hill, and King George) replaced with one. You'll find background, updates, and opportunities for feedback on their site. As you've likely heard, Optimist park is one of the sites they are contemplating. If it is determined to be their preferred site, the City will immediate engage with area residents so that Council has heard from everyone before they consider that request. I am hearing lots of concern in the meantime, and welcome any and all feedback about the use of Optimist Park. 

Ward 2 News & Engagements

- The Civic Satisfaction Survey is open now til May 23. We want to hear from you! 
- The Speed Limit Review survey is open til April 30. Please take a few minutes to learn more about the reason for exploring it and potential impacts then provide your feedback.
- There are a few engagements coming up that we've been anticipating. Dates aren't yet set, but I can update that we should expect engagements on the following files soon: 
    - West Circle Drive project - engagement likely in April/May
    - Utility Scale Solar Project - engagement likely in May
Stay tuned here and on my social media for updates. Residents most directly impacted will receive flyers.
- There is a lot of construction planned in our areas this summer including a major watermain replacement and road/sidewalk repair project on 20th Street. Check out the video for more info about what to expect, and for info about construction projects in general, the construction map has upcoming work marked.
- Registration for the curbside green cart program is open now. Register/renew before April 30th for earlybird rates! 
- Wondering about sweeping and potholes? Look no further.

City News

- University Sector Plan: As part of the infill development strategy, the City is planning major infill development near the University of Saskatchewan equivalent to a full new neighbourhood. Council will consider the high level plan for this, called the University Sector Plan at the public hearing (evening meeting) on Monday. It includes a broad land use plan, along with mobility, utility and servicing considerations followed by the phasing plan. 
- Zoning Bylaw Review: A comprehensive review of the City's Zoning Bylaw has been underway for a while and the second package of bylaw amendments are in front of City Council at the public hearing (evening meeting) Monday. 
- Downtown future vision: The admin has brought forward a report on funding opportunities (including provincial regulation changes required) for future downtown projects - primarily a downtown entertainment district (including an arena and convention center) and the Bus Rapid Transit network to support downtown's vibrant future. Read more at item 8.5.2 including recommendations from committee to proceed with research, engagement, and planning and a summary in news release format here.
- 2020 financials: The year end financials are being reported with the deficit successfully offset - here's a news release
- The City is proposing an updated parking revenue formula now that the kiosks are fully paid off - item 9.4.1 on the regular business meeting linked below
- Transit is bringing forward a mobile ticketing strategy under item 10.1.1
- Asphalt parking patios are proposed again for this COVID summer under 10.3.2
- Candidate disclosures for the 2020 municipal election are reported under 11.1.1; This includes reporting on and accountability options regarding candidates who have failed to or misfiled their disclosures

Community News

- Many community associations are planning their spring community cleanups. If you have a hand (or truck) to lend, get in touch with yours today and watch your mailbox for the spring newsletter!  
- Check out the Energy Assistance Program through SaskPower that aims to help lower income households tackle high energy bills through home upgrades - fully covered! Saskatoon Light and Power customers are also eligible!
- Compost depots are now open and Household Hazardous Waste HHW days have resumed! 
Golf courses are open too and wrk is underway to open tennis and pickle ball courts too.
- Don't forget! As of April 1, the Elm pruning ban is in effect. More on Dutch Elm Disease and other pests here.
- Saskatoon Police have set up a Buy&Sell exchange zone at their headquarters. 


City Council | April 26

City Council meets virtually on Monday. Brief highlights are outlined below. Click here to find the full agenda. Council continues to meet virtually. Correspondence on Council items can be made in writing or as a request to speak (accommodated by phone). Meetings will continue to be live streamed.

Regular Business Meeting  |  1:00 PM

  - Climate action plan - progress report
  - Boulevard Gardening guidelines update & future expansion to medians
  - Electric Scooters - pilot project viability
  - Bus Rapid Transit - wayfinding & marketing plan - budget adjustment
  - Victoria Avenue Bikeway
  - Private Swimming Pools in Riverbank zone
  - Annual reports & work plans: Public Art, Heritage, Accessibility, Naming, Development Appeals
  - Drainage regulation - new bylaw
  - Meadowgreen Recycling Depot - closure recommended
  - AGM notices - Remai, TCUPlace
  - Internal audit and Year End reserve transfer 2020
  - Preliminary Year end financial results - 2020  
  - SREDA - 2021 tax abatements + soccer center renewal + RCAF Assoc'n
  - Support for Rohingya - letter to Federal Govt
  - Downtown Vision - potential funding opportunities for entertainment district & BRT
  - 2022/3 business place process - multi-year duration
  - Canada Community Building Fund - anticipated Federal supports
  - Fred Sasakamoose - commemorative sculpture
  - Commitment Protocol with Red Pheasant Cree Nation
  - Cheshire Homes - City member termination
  - Appointments - various
  - Updated Parking Revenue Distribution Formula
  - Transit - mobile ticketing implementation
  - Bylaws - Property tax & BID levy bylaws 
  - Election Contribution & Expenses reporting - 2020 all candidates
  - Coun. Dubois- Third party sponsorships for Community Association owned facilities
  - Coun. Donauer - Hindu society - location for release of cremated remains in river
  - Coun. Donauer - collecting unpaid parking tickets
  - Coun. Donauer - process for Drinking Water Advisories

Public Hearing Meeting  |  6:00 PM

  - Stonebridge rezoning - B2 to B3
  - University Sector Plan 
  - Comprehensive zoning bylaw Review 
  - Home Energy Loan program - borrowing bylaw
  - Proclamations & Flag Raisings

Looking to connect with the City? 

306-975-2476  [email protected]


Hilary Gough


Saskatoon #yxe City Councillor - representing Ward 2. Settler on Treaty 6 territory & traditional homelands of the Métis. She/Her