What a summer so far! I hope that you're finding some relief from this heat! For me, paddling with my family and friends has definitely been the highlight.

We are far from 'out of the woods' yet when it comes to COVID, so here's your reminder to stick it to COVID by getting your vaccine and supporting others in your household who are eligible to do so as well. It's essential that as many of us as possible get both doses so that our community can be protected from COVID and its variants as soon as possible. Public health resources are best accessed through professionals Provincially and Federally. There are lots of pop-up clinics happening in our city these days (including at fun events like Food Truck Wars!), so follow along with the Saskatchewan Health Authority to find great vaccination opportunities. 

While I am someone who enjoys the heat and am grateful for opportunities to get to be near water enjoying activities I love, I cannot help but feel frustrated and sad recognizing that the weather we're experiencing is rooted in a broader global shift in climate. City plans recognize the need to adapt to hotter, wetter and wilder weather. There is no doubt that climate change is costing us - in wellbeing and safety, and in real dollars too. Norther fire evacuations, and last winter's snow clearing budgets are just two examples. We have a lot of work to do to ensure this does not get any 'wilder'. The 2022 budget will be an important opportunity to move City plans forward. 

City Council meets on Monday. As always, I commit to reading all correspondence I receive before the meetings, but cannot commit to responding to all of it before the meeting. If you want to have your correspondence received by all of City Council (and as part of the public record) on Monday, head down to the last section to find the options for submitting that. 


Unfortunately, another case of Dutch Elm Disease has been identified in a Ward 2 neighbourhood. This one was found in a public park. Residents are reminded to follow various precautions in order to avoid creating the conditions for possible spread of this disease which could impact over 25% of our urban forest. I continue to investigate options to make disposal of elm by community members more accessible from both a cost and access perspective. I hope to have more to share on this soon and appreciate the input I've received.

As this very hot summer proceeds, a few reminders to help keep everyone safe: 
- River safety : please ensure that if you are using the river on either a motorized or non-motorized craft that you have reviewed the various regulations that will help keep everyone safe. Some reminders from the City can be found here. Some new education and enforcement capacity will be out and about on our docks and river very soon! 
- Stay Cool : there are many ways to stay cool in the summer including at various spray parks and paddling pools. In order to support people who may not have a safe indoor space, partners have come together to establish a list of cool down locations for those vulnerable to the heat without other options. Please consider keeping this handy in case you or someone you know/encounter needs to find a safe cool spot.

Ward 2 News & Engagements

- The Neighbourhood Traffic Review results for West Industrial, Gordie Howe Management Area and Southwest Industrial is on Council's agenda for endorsement this month.
- Some temporary traffic calming installations are going to become permanent soon to help improve pedestrian safety. Check out the update here. This is going to include the final configuration for Spadina/17th St. If you have feedback about that installation/intersection that has not yet been shared with our team, please reach out at [email protected] to ensure it's received and forms part of the ongoing evaluation.
- The Board of Police Commissioners is engaging residents and community groups on 'Creating a Culture of Community Safety'. I know that Community Associations in Ward 2 have been engaged, and invite you to check out this survey as well.
- Thanks to all who have engaged on the Dundonald Ave Solar Farm (Utility Scale Solar Project). The slides and Q&A from the final engagement meeting are on the website and I expect the results and administrative recommendations will be reported to City Council soon.
- As noted, the third engagement meeting for the West Circle Drive project will likely be in September. Stay tuned here and on my social media for updates. Residents most directly impacted will receive flyers.
- There is a lot of construction underway in our areas this summer. Please watch for construction notices, drinking water advisories, and other notices from the City in your mailbox. If there is a major project near you, email [email protected] to ask to be signed up for regular email updates or to have specific questions answered and sign up to get news releases about major road closures and more here.
- Mail delivery can sometimes be disrupted during major construction projects. This is decided on a case by case basis by Canada Post. Connect with Canada Post at 1-866-607-6301 to find out if your mail is being held at a nearby postal office.

City News

- The annual Services, Savings, and Sustainability report is available now.
- Civic Services Surveyto continue evaluating City services and to plan for a growing and vibrant city this survey will measure a wide variety of services the City delivers. Open til July 28.
- Wondering what Leisure programs and facilities (pools, etc.) are looking like these days? Here are some updates now that the provincial health orders have been lifted.
- Have you tried Transit 'On Demand' ? I'd love to hear about your experience! 
- Council is expecting some amendments to neighbourhood level infill policies and guidelines. Engagement has been underway and recommendations are expected in the fall. To get up to speed, visit the engage page here.
- The Good Neighbour Guide is a great overview of city bylaws, standards and regulations to help us all do our part to keep our neighbourhoods and city safe, clean and beautiful.
- Following Council direction last month, the City is beginning the process to rename John A Macdonald Road to recognize the ongoing harm in the community experienced by those who attended residential schools.

Community News

- There has been some important progress made by community members and organizations engaged in addressing the Crystal Meth crisis in our community - work that initiated from the Safe Community Action Alliance. The group recently released the Reach Out SK website that provides resources to help learn about crystal meth and the crisis we're experiencing in Saskatoon from the perspective of people with lived/living experience, help people to access help available, and access resources for community members, neighbours, families and friends who care. I encourage you to take some time to learn. 

- A report responding to Council's request for how the City can respond to the MMIWG2S calls to action report was tabled this past week. This report centers Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit (IWG2S) people by calling for dedicated roles in decision making and the work of serving IWG2S people. It calls on the City to make a space for the voice and power of the Aunties and lays out a proposal for an Office of the Matriarchs. This report is demanding that we look at safety differently and invest in community building. I am excited at this opportunity and look forward to engaging with the implementation recommendations we'll get back from our administration soon.

City Council | July 26th

City Council meets virtually on Monday. Brief highlights are outlined below. Click here to find the full agenda. Council continues to meet virtually. Correspondence on Council items can be made in writing or as a request to speak (accommodated by phone). Meetings will continue to be live streamed.

Regular Business Meeting  |  1:00 PM

  - Knox United Church Heritage Amendment bylaw - WITHDRAWN
  - Release of Cremated remains in River
  - Neighbourhood Traffic Reviews: 
    - Gordie Howe Management Area, West and Southwest Industrial
    - Rosewood and Lakewood Suburban Centre 
  - Traffic Reviews: 
    - Agriplace and Marquis Industrial Area
    - Central Industrial Area
  - Servicing Agreement - Brighton - BDM Enterprises
  - 2020 Audited financial statements
  - Exempt Staff Salary & Benefit agreement
  - Collective agreement - 2019-2023 - SCMMA
  - Parking Revenue Distribution formula - updated bylaw
  - Drainage Bylaw
  - Board of Police Commissioners Membership Bylaw - letter from BOPC re: Indigenous representation

Public Hearing Meeting |  6:00 PM

  - Zoning bylaw text amendment - frontage for certain sites facing MR in R1B districts
  - TCU Place Loan authorization
  - Proclamations & Flag Raisings

Hilary Gough


Saskatoon #yxe City Councillor - representing Ward 2. Settler on Treaty 6 territory & traditional homelands of the Métis. She/Her