Today is National Indigenous People's Day. This is a day to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding contributions of Indigenous people. Many events are taking place around Saskatoon. I hope to see many of you at the Rock Your Roots Walk for Reconciliation beginning at 10am in Victoria Park. Today is also a good day to reconnect with BeAConnectR to help you find calls to action to grow what you know, encourage a shared future and generate change.
There are two days of Council meetings next week:
- Wednesday June 26th: regular business + public hearing
- Thursday June 27th: special public hearing for zoning bylaws re: Housing Accelerator Fund
More on each below
Housing Accelerator Fund - decisions Thursday
The second package of proposed changes related to the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Action Plan is being debated at a special public hearing meeting of City Council beginning at 9:30am on June 27th (Thurs).
I've put together a blog post outlining the proposals, and linking to a video I've made that walks through the proposals and how they apply in Ward 2.
HAF is intended to speed up housing development and increase supply, making more housing available. The need is driven by a growing city and growing affordability challenges. The proposals would make it easier to develop more units throughout the city, and in particular, close to Transit Corridors and stations, making more efficient use of existing infrastructure, curbing the strain of sprawling development on city budgets, and giving more people access to good transportation and services.
The main proposals are to:
- Allow up to four-units of residential development on a minimum 50 foot (15 m) lot in a residential zoning district and applying appropriate development standards, including setbacks and site coverage limitations.
- Allow up to four-storey multiple-unit development within 800 metres of a planned bus rapid transit station with appropriate development standards and servicing capacity. A new planning area called the Transit Development Area (TDA) identifies the area within which four-storey multiple-unit development will be permitted.
- Allow up to six-storey multiple-unit development along Transit Corridors and near transit stations.
- Adopt Corridor maps into the Official Community Plan outlining the vision for mixed use land uses around Transit stations and corridors.
Full details on Housing Accelerator Action Plan can be found here on the City's website.
A walk through of the proposals and focus on Ward 2 maps can be found in the video on my blog.
If you'd like to write to Council about this, please do so by Monday at 5pm here.
Anyone attending the meeting during the speakers section (begins at 9:30am) will be permitted to speak, but those signed up will speak first.
Meetings & Upcoming Decisions
City Council first meets on Wednesday June 26th. The Regular Business meeting takes place in the day starting at 9:30am and the Public Hearing takes place in the evening beginning at 6:00pm. Highlights below.
Harry Bailey upgrades - budget adjustment
The project to rehabilitate and upgrade Harry Bailey requires a budget adjustment in order to proceed. The scope of the project has been reduced, but the latest tenders are still over the approved budget. I will be supporting City administration's plans for increasing that budget. I have been hearing from neighbours about just how important that facility is, and do not want to see the project delayed any more than it has been. If you'd like to encourage City Council to support this plan too, write to Council here by 5pm Monday.
Free child fares on Transit
Saskatoon Transit will be making fares free for children on September 1, 2024. Council directed this change last year and will finalize the structure for this on Wednesday.
City-owned land for Affordable Housing
As part of the Housing Accelerator Fund, the City has identified several parcels of city-owned land that we will make available at below market rates for affordable housing - ideally some for priority populations where a known gap in the market exists. The details of these offers is being reviewed by Council and I will be inquiring about keeping the revenues in the Affordable Housing Reserve.
Other Updates
Construction in your area?
Wondering about the construction in your area? Visit the map here to learn more and email the team at [email protected] to get signed up for regular project updates on the major projects near you.
City Council | June 26th (Wednesday)
City Council meets on Wednesday. Brief highlights are outlined below. Click here to find the full agendas. Correspondence on Council items can be made in writing or as a request to speak (accommodated by phone or in person). Meetings are live streamed.
Regular Business Meeting | 9:30 AM
- Community Energy Loan Programs - program options
- Green Cart Program update
- Home Energy Loan program - bylaw amendments
- Flood Control Strategy - UofS joint project
- Martensville Sewer Rate Framework
- Fire Comms Center 911 technology - budget adjustment
- Saskatoon Transit - Implementing free Child fares
- Taxi Fare review - increases
- Sidewalk Clearing Bylaw amendments
- Traffic Bylaw - Speed limit updates on Dudley
- Broadway Bridge Rehabilitation - early tender
- Bylaw amendments: Temp Sign bylaw, Rec Facilities & Parks use
- Reserves for Future expenditures - proposed amendments to policy
- Borrowing for capital projects - proposed amendments to policy
- Commercial Utility deposits
- City-owned land - request to receive proposals - housing accelerator fund
- Governance Review - Development Appeal Board & Municipal Planning Commission
- Appointments - various
- Harry Bailey Aquatic Center - rehabilitation/upgrades - budget adjustment
- Debenture bylaw
- Amendment to Residential Parking Program bylaw
- Code of Ethics Complaint
Public Hearing Meeting | 6:00 PM
- Discretionary Use - residential care homes - type II
- 334 Taskamanwa Street
- 338 Taskamanwa Street
- Rezoning - Aspen Ridge - FUD to R2/RMTN
- Rezoning - Rosewood
- Right of Way closure - portion of 33rd St - Kensington
- Median opening - McKercher Dr/Duncan Cres
- Proclamations & Flag Raisings
City Council (Special Public Hearing) | June 27th (Thursday)
City Council meets again on Thursday to discuss and debate the proposals for the Housing Accelerator Fund. The meeting will begin at 9:30am. Brief highlights are outlined below. Click here to find the full agenda. Correspondence on Council items can be made in writing or as a request to speak (accommodated by phone or in person). Meetings are live streamed.
- Housing Accelerator Fund - speakers
- Corridor Growth Boundary & Land Use Amendments
- Housing Accelerator Fund - Official Community Plan Amendments
- Housing Accelerator Fund - Permitting up to Four Units in all Residential Zoning Districts
- Housing Accelerator Fund - Permitting Four Storeys within the Transit Development Area
- Housing Accelerator Fund - Residential Care Homes
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